
Sunday, September 24, 2017

The Mandela Effect

What do you all think of that, it's kind of sorta weird isn't it? I can kind of relate to a few of those things....

Please check my other blog posts for my symbolic related views, and other random posts!

Friday, February 24, 2017

Working it's working and so am I!

I have been away,
I have been working,
And so have other things,
Been working!

Keeping busy,
Working steadily,
And think big for my future,
And the future of others,
Among other things!

Tuesday's are my Monday's,
Saturday's are my Friday's,
Sunday and Monday's are my weekends...
It kind of a sweet deal,
To say the least!

I hope you are all doing well,
I am not sure about that beast,
Guess he's changed the world,
Feel like I should give my head a thump,
Why the hell did they, elect Trump?

Please check my other blog posts for my symbolic related views, and other random posts!


Don't sell your soul for $0.50
The devil is a cheap Bastard and it isn't worth it!

Please check my other blog posts for my symbolic related views, and other random posts!


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