
Friday, February 15, 2019

A poem of love

A Poem Of Love - Unknown Sender February/14/2019 10:29pm
When hearts are tender,
They skip a beat,
Longing for comfort,
A soul so sweet,

Candied kisses lined in a single row ,
Broken hearted,
It is now sown,

Caressing whispers along neck and ear,
Something joyous,
Now no more a tear,

Handled gently,
Just soft and slow,
Hold me closer,
And please don't go!

Please check my other blog posts for my symbolic related views, and other random posts!

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Monday, January 28, 2019

Mystery is alluring!

Mystery is alluring! Lets try to keep this humorous!
A couple people meet(let's not genderize this), they start to talk and get to know each other, they break the ice a bit! They start to like where things are going.
But then one of them!

Sticks their hand down behind them; and pull it back up, and smells it!
The other makes a face and feel very uncomfortable sitting there the rest of the night!
That alluring mystery is gone, by that one simple act.
Let's face it, that is unattractive!
If you have this bad habit, maybe you should pay closer attention what you might be doing instinctively without realizing it!

You see a new flavor of chips on the shelf! Because you've never had them before, you want to try it!
You buy them, you get home, put on a movie, and then put one in your mouth.
HOT HOT HOT! They weren't kidding, they are burning your mouth and it feels like you are swallowing powdered fire! You start using water as if it is mouthwash just so you can taking the burning sensation away!
Okay, alright, this was me last week, I swear that the flavor "sounded" amazing. They were good, but HOT! Too hot and I love hot and spicy things.
Oh, "what kind" you ask?
"Flamin' Hot Nacho" Doritos!
Even hours later, my tongue feels like I burned it on hot coffee.

Please check my other blog posts for my symbolic related views, and other random posts!

Friday, January 25, 2019

World Weather Changes

Has anyone else noticed the weather changes around the world?
Snow in places that never usually get snow?
Earth quakes in places that never usually get earth quakes?
Huge amounts of water and rain in places that are almost always dry?

Has anyone else noticed that the moon is about 30% more tilted then it used to be 10 to 20 years ago? Maybe that is why the weather has changed in odd rare ways in places that didn't have those sorts before!?!
What is with all the changes? I am all for change, do not get me wrong, I just find it baffling in a way.

What is your opinions and or views, or do you have some scientific explanations? I'm curious to find out what others may think or have found concerning my questions and or findings above!

--The symbols have been calling me again, the inner voices tell me I need to start over, because of "changes"...SO MAYBE SOON WE WILL HAVE SOME NEW SYMBOL POSTS!
Please check my other blog posts for my symbolic related views, and other random posts!


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