
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Symbols an explanation

So I thought I would explain something a little more about symbols.

I have been thinking of adding some of my experiences and learning. I am going to be putting together my symbols for online viewing. I just am worried that what I put online will get stolen. Which I would hate, because I have put a lot of time and energy into findin
g them. It's not just an education for me, it's a personal hill I had to climb, it's like a journey that; only so few, might understand!

So you see, it's a hard thing to share my personal attachment when it comes to things like that...To some it might be just symbols, but for me it's so much more. I had mentioned that before, in another post from earlier(for those wondering). I love writing, but I am still working on those skills.

I need to get all of my symbols in order, they are all down, but not in proper order for reading from someone Else's viewing eyes. So they are alright for me, as for anyone else reading/viewing them it would seem a mess and hard to make out. I am in that process but I am taking a break as I need that personal break from even thinking of maybe learning more. I have priorities I need to take care of. Life things that I can't neglect for my obsession with symbols. So, it's on hold for now while I configure life itself, with my goals being met.

I am sorry if this may be a let down, but know, they will come...I am hoping soon, but I will keep you posted on that!

I'll still be around to post some old poems....Or quotes, and maybe a short story now and again!


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